Christ for Asia

Empowering Families – First Couples Fellowship

February is the Month of Love. As love is always a good reason to celebrate, we decided to CELEBRATE LOVE. Last valentines day on February 14th 2019 we had a special celebration for parents as part of our FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. This was the first of all in all five sessions of our new developed COUPLES FELLOWSHIP. The driving Vision of CFAI is to transform the lives of children in need and children in danger. One of our approaches is to strengthen families, that are lacking the access to opportunities because of the poverty they are caught in. A basic foundation for a healthy family is a strong and healthy marriage of the parents. This is the reason we started to help parents to strengthen their marriage in order to set the foundation for strong and healthy families. So we invited the first twenty couples for a Valentines Dinner Session. The topic we discussed was all about developing a biblical foundation for their marriage. One major point was that our world is trying to twist our mind and our hearts in making us believe that love and marriage is contractual. That’s why in many countries a wedding contract is the start of every marriage. But the bible teaches us that love and as a result marriage is not at all contractual but is covenantal. There is a very big difference between a CONTRACT and a COVENANT. If marriages are based on a contract, every marriage is set to fail as there is no such thing as a perfect husband or perfect wife. Considering this, a contractual marriage can always end in end of contract. A marriage based on a covenant is always based on forgiveness and TRUE LOVE. Throughout these five sessions, the parents will also learn more about themselves and their spouses. Help us pray that these parents will base their marriage on a covenant with a strong biblical foundation so that their children grow up in a healthy environment filled with selfless and forgiving love.